10 Annihilators- (Full unit will be 15... I have 2 more off-screen, so I have 3 left to do)
aaaaaand a close up on some of their ugly mugs
Now, my questions on the unit-
1- with the more Persian/Bighat theme in mind, should I keep the classic Red/Black color scheme, or switch to a patterned yellow/black?
2- should I keep the current dwarf sleeves, or switch to a baggier, poofier sleeve

(The guys in the center background)
I think that those two changes might add an interesting exotic quality to the army... though the poofiness will probably be a lot more work than would be worth it visually.
I guess the last question would be should I keep the faces open like they are now, or give them some cloth covering their face like they have in the movie. This would probably be a good deal of work, but it would definitely go a long way toward the exotic, sinister look I'm going for.
Stuff to think about!
Man, those thumbtacks are inspired.
If only they were originally my idea :P I stole it from a guy over on Chaos Dwarfs Online. The more I look at them, the more I think I'll keep them the way they are, and just do the army to fit that style.
This is my problem modeling and everything... my head's this mess of ideas. So I think I'll just keep going on the proven track and go for the black/red dwarfs with a few of my own tweaks. That's my final answer!